
Mackenzie Investments Podcasts

Stay on top of the latest developments and market trends shaping today’s economy. Each week we deliver insights from Mackenzie’s thought leaders and industry experts to keep you ahead of the curve.

The Invested

We’re invested in sharing knowledge. Join Mackenzie’s experts in conversation about our strategies and perspectives on today’s market. Each month you'll also hear from Lesley Marks and Dustin Reid with their latest insights on equity and fixed income markets.

Get Sharpe

On Get Sharpe, hosts Matthew Schnurr and Dustin Reid explore global macroeconomic themes and monetary policy from some of the sharpest minds in the industry. 

Featured episodes

Exploring the Opportunities in the Energy Transition

Generational investment opportunities rarely arise, but that’s exactly what’s happening in the push toward net zero. John Cook, Portfolio Manager and Co-Lead of the Mackenzie Greenchip Team, and Konstantin Boehmer, Head of Fixed Income, discuss the latest developments in the energy transition and explore investment opportunities in both equity and fixed income markets.

Our podcast personalities

Matthew Schnurr, CFA

Vice President, Key Accounts

Matt brings an exceptional depth of knowledge in financial markets. His intellectual curiosity extends beyond finance into the realms of artificial intelligence, history and the broader business of wealth management.

Dustin Reid, MBA

Chief Fixed Income Strategist

Dustin Reid specializes in macro research and analysis of global monetary and fiscal policy, economic data and geopolitics. He began his career as a trader for the Bank of Canada’s Foreign Reserve Fund and developed his expertise through a series of senior positions in macro research, foreign exchange strategy and economics in North America and Europe.

Lesley Marks, CFA

Chief Investment Officer, Equities

Lesley Marks is Chief Investment Officer of Equities for Mackenzie Investments, overseeing approximately 110 investment professionals across our 12 equity boutiques. She’s a seasoned investment leader with more than 25 years of experience across asset and wealth management. She also sits on the advisory board of the Institute for Sustainable Finance. 


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